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The DM: Hello All. It is January 4th. I've slept in a bit, so give me a few minutes to get my bearings. Let me start by asking, is anyone here?

Vafrandir: Present!

The DM: Good morning. Have a good Christmas?

Vafrandir: Very good: had another baby right before the holidays so all around very pleasant (lack of sleep aside!). How about you?

The DM: Relatively pleasant, though of course didn't get together with anyone. Been exchanging presents across lawns and such. Been thinking about the format of the campaign and changes that could be made to build better communication. For example, there are just two of us here, and we don't know who else might be lurking.

The DM: So, for starters, I suggest we begin by managing more clearly whose here and who isn't. I suggest that, if the player is here, and plans to check their status at least every 20 minutes, that they should write:

The DM: In.

And that they should, if they know they're going to be out of touch for at least an hour, they should write:

The DM: Out.

Vafrandir: In.

The DM: Exactly. Then we know who's here; and players should be less concerned about waiting to see what someone else wants to do, because they're not here. This would, then, at this time, make you the quorum, Vafrandir, regarding what the party does next. Questions?

Vafrandir: Pandred has attacked the wolf; we took a break mid-swing, as it were. After that action is completed, I assume the wolf will act. Since no one else is here, I can make my wisdom check again and attempt to attack at that point. Is that correct?

The DM: My apologies. I just deserted the campaign badly, didn't I? Upon being hit, the wolf will vanish again, just as it did before. But just at present, I'd like to sort out any issues with getting the campaign to move along a little faster. As it's going, it can take days just to manage some small momentum.

Vafrandir: I think the quorum will help. But being asynchronous is a pretty big obstacle. Parties can discuss options for long enough in person; when there's a lag of minutes or hours then decisions can take weeks to reach. If we can resolve those questions of "what to do next" more quickly then I think that will help significantly. But I'm not sure the best way to do that: perhaps a time limit on how long we can discuss before one of the options must be picked?

The DM: I think with some matters, it makes sense to request a general consensus, such as spontaneously going back to Treborg. Any major relocation should require at least 3 members of the party. But the issue has been that players are concerned about taking any bold action. Rather than say, "I am going back to the camp," they will say instead, "I think we should go back to the camp." This calls for others to answer, which can take all day.

The DM: We've got to get into a rhythm of recognizing who's here, and then recognizing that IF others want a say, they should BE HERE. Otherwise, they must accept by default that Vafrandir said, "The party goes back to the camp." And so it is, because the party through default had made Vafrandir the deciding member.

Vafrandir: That's good feedback. I'm getting better about being more deliberate, but I agree that calling for a consensus on every small action slows us to a crawl. We would not do this if we, personally, were in the Norwegian outback. Regarding the quorum, could it be useful to have someone (me?) keep track of the active players and put something like this in the text?

Quorum: Vafrandir

Vafrandir: I will continue on towards the camp. Should the wolf reappear, as it likely will, I will fight it. It can be made corporeal by startling it and its immediate goal is to retard our progress towards the camp. Therefore, the best way towards defeating it is to continue on.

The DM: And that would make sense. But while I recognize you're champing at the bit to continue the campaign, this policy IS something that has to be understood among the general group. Is there a campaign at all if we're the only people playing?

Vafrandir: Oh I very much agree. I can certainly be patient until everyone is on the same page!

The DM: And so we wait. I've sent emails out to others; it's understandable that it takes time to regather.

The DM: Okay, I have to go to the lab and drop something off. It won't take me too long. I want to add that players need not explain why they're "out". I generally will, but given the vicissitudes of real life, no one should have to explain that they're unavailable. It should be enough for all of us that you just say you're not here.

The DM: Out.

The DM: In.

Pandred: Oh boy, the gang is back in business!