Arriving in Stavanger

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Continued from Back to Treborg.


The DM: Setting out at 9 a.m., you’re frustrated when an hour out of Treborg, the wind dies. Completely. You row for two hours, when the wind finally picks up at noon, in the wrong direction. Nadia raises the sail and you begin to crawl your way south to Stavanger; by three you’ve made 8 knots, about a third of the journey. The wind improves, spins around to the east and you make 2 knots an hour for the next six hours, putting you 4 knots from Stavanger. The wind increases, swings to the southeast – directly in your face – and it begins to rain. Bailing, you tack the last four hours, arriving in Stavanger at 1 a.m. on the 10th of July. It is pouring rain. Nadia shrugs. She got you here. Malady checks come to naught. Embla’s parents will put you up for the night if you ask.

July 10th

Lexent: Very kind of them, I beg their hospitality and thank them for it. I collapse exhausted into whatever sleeping accommodations they provide.

Pandred: "I hate boats."

Lexent: Is there a particular gnomish deity of water, ships, or travel to whom I should be making appeals? (or cursing?) ;)

Marcule:(ooc:Just to be clear. Marcule is a Boy bear) Also hate boats.

The DM: Nicer when they’re bigger. Besides, it was the weather, not the boat. Would you have rather slogged 24 miles in these conditions? Anyway, in the morning, it is a moderate to heavy rain, with more than a quarter inch falling every hour. There is little wind and it is a “warm” rain, as the temperature is cool and nearly pleasant.