Back to Treborg

From The Juvenis Adventure
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Continued from Back to Camp.


Lexent: Sounds good to me. I could also use a trip to Stavanger. Hopefully I have enough to procure some armor, or at least improve my weapon.

Vafrandir: Probably the best course of action. No shame in getting some professional help.

Lexent: In.

Marcule: Did anyone else get an email from Alexis?

Lexent: Yep. Do we just wait to hear more, or should we try to make some plans?

Pandred: We can't act on anything, but if you've got ideas beyond "roll up with a bunch of dudes", which is what I was thinking, it wouldn't hurt to hear.

The DM: @%$&^(^%#%$&*&^%#%$#&^*$%$#@%%*(&*(&^$#@ In.

The DM: Sorry about that. Figured out the password.

Lexent: Honestly, I'd like more information. A bunch of men-at-arms will only be able to do so much against powerful undead/fiends. I'm kind of hoping that Fraser will be able to assist, but I don't expect to hear from him any time soon.

Marcule: I like the "Roll up with dudes plan" haha. there is something to be said for getting some men at arms.

The DM: If I can weigh in; what you need from men-at-arms is a support network. Food, more people to build a cairn, provide defense for the camp, possibly make it easier to climb up to the dungeon, cook your food in the morning and at night so you’re not risking malady checks when you come in tired; buy additional healing salves, improve your armour and other equipment; Marcule has an ability to make an armoured set of clothing that he’s able to wear as an illusionist, but has not done; there’s also the question of the gas gun, though I haven’t made rules for it yet. Knowing what your tools can do is also useful and sorting out what equipment WILL help with undead (holy water, for example).

The DM: Oh, and build regular communication with Treborg, so that you’re not out here without being sure there can’t be more food, more salve, replacement equipment, etc. Obviously, Oddsdrakken can be trusted to use Nadia as pilot to get stuff from Stavanger when you’re not there.

The DM: Sidenote: I was including the club in the equipment poster and realized that a “self-made” club can be differentiated from a “bought” club by simply saying the former breaks on a 1 in 3 and the latter on a 1 in 4. So please take that as canon, since you’ll be in a position to buy new clubs now. I'm going to move this conversation to a new post.

Vafrandir: In.

Vafrandir: All that takes time (wink wink), which we have, and money, which we have less of.

Lexent: And therein lies my concern. It seems as though Grond is beyond our current capabilities to confront, and while a support network would be useful for not wasting so many days trying to get TO the dungeon, they don't give us too much more to help confront him once we get there. We by ourselves can purchase the additional supplies, armour, and equipment. (Although personally, my funds for doing so are quite limited). The knowing what will help us and being able to accurately assess just how dangerous this situation is is what I hope Fraser will be able to help us with.

Lexent: Well, I suppose to start we should head back to camp.

The DM: Didn’t I just pour a bunch of money into the party’s pocket at the end of the last dungeon plunder? And there’s still the matter of Marcule’s credit.

Pandred: Disagree about being unable to take Grond. Things could get screwy if he's immune to normal weapons, but as far as I know he's either a ghost or a wizard with an awesome black mist intercom. More importantly, once we don't get hung up for three days over every couple bad rolls we'll be able to really dig down into the complex, with sappers maybe literally.

Marcule: Happy to use my credit if we need it.

Pandred: Agree on heading back to camp. I do so.

Lexent: As do I.

Vafrandir: Yes, we need to sell the loot and take stock. Back to camp we go, for now. The only problem I see with going to Stavanger and back is that it might well take a week before we're back here. Just something to consider.

Lexent: That had been my concern up until our encounter with Grond, however he? seems content to stay where he is for now. The immediate threat to the community seemed to be from the goblins, but we haven't seen any more of those than the ones you first fought.

July 8th

The DM: The 14 hour walk is a 15 hour walk from the new camp. Counting it as 11 am on the 7th, what with discussion and planning, you walk for 8 hours on the 7th and then another 7 on the 8th. That makes it 4 in the afternoon as you blow into Treborg; you haven’t been here in well over a week. Oddsdrakken was concerned.

Marcule: I also head back to camp. (ooc: I will be back for 11:30) please use my credit as needed

The DM: There’s been no rain all this time. The temperature is steadily cool, with it wavering a bit at night. The wind has strengthened but it is no more than a moderate breeze, quite comfortable.

Vafrandir: Finally, some drier weather. Shall I count off 4lb for the 8th (and 2 for Odds)?

The DM: Yes.

The DM: It’s a shame, Lexent, that no one took the time to light a natural light source to get a better look at what there was to see in the hall, while you were speaking to Grond. Apart from his fouling up your infravision, you might have a better idea of what you were facing.

Lexent: Indeed.

The DM: Your house is completed. Could you settle up with Anders?

Vafrandir: How much do we owe? Hmm...I'm remembering that Embla was our treasurer.

Lexent: I head to the church to speak with Father Arvin.

The DM: You’ve apparently paid the price already. So “settling up” means shaking Anders’ hand.

Vafrandir: Will certainly do that. I'll express again how sorry I am for the loss of his cow.

Vafrandir: Unloading treasure: I'll put the stoppered flasks in a chest in the house (DM, may I get a weight or size for these?). Those of you with extra equipment that you're not storing on your own sheets, please let me know. I see that Pandred distributed 3 gems to each of us: can you be specific which ones?

The DM: a flask is 8 in. tall, with 8 fl. oz., weighing 0.63 lbs.

The DM: Father Arvin remembers Lexent and greets him by name.

Pandred: I'll have to dig back in the annals of time, I thought I had said which ones went to who back when I distributed.

Vafrandir: "I dole out 4 Adamantiums to everyone but me, who gets 3. I take two swords, everyone else gets 1. I take 3 small gems and both plum-sized gems, everyone else gets 3 small gems. I take the shields and give the dagger to Marcule because he can make use of it."

Lexent: "How were services yesterday, Father?"

The DM: Today is Friday. But I'll assume you say something about the same.
Lexent: That's fascinating. I just looked up on this site and it gave me that it was Monday. Sorry about that.
The DM: Infoplease used to publish a world almanac, so I’ve been using this as a source since the 1970s. The other appears to be counting 1900, 1800 and 1700 as leap years, and thus it is off by three days.

Pandred: You're right. The small gems were all worth 1xp, which I took to be that they were worth 1gp each, I didn't differentiate between them except by xp value.

Lexent: I made the assumption that mine were agates.
Vafrandir: Understood. I'll take 2 hematite and 1 cairngorn. Just want to be accurate.

Marcule: In.

Meeting with Father Arvin

Father Arvin: how can I be of service, Lexent?

Lexent: I describe for him our encounter with Grond and ask if he has yet had the chance to send that letter off to Fraser.

Father Arvin: “There is a boat that goes between here and Glesvaer once a week. I wrote a letter and sent it off on the 30th, but no answer came back yesterday; though I’m assured the letter was put into Fraser’s hands.”

Father Arvin: “This ‘Grond’ seems to be a thing of evil, though we should be thankful for the destruction of a goblin nest in our hinterland. Perhaps I should send a message to my Bishop and see if the church could sort this out.”

Lexent: "He does, however his direct malevolence seems less than I would expect. He did not immediately attempt to destroy us and gave us warning to leave. I think that we will continue to investigate and do what we can."

Lexent: Assuming he does not attempt to continue the conversation, I bid him a good afternoon and return to the house.

The DM: A minister always has things to do, so he’ll let you go. But that doesn’t say what he might do on his own volition, which you’ll realise as you walk away.

The DM: I can’t see an absolute confirmation on the size of the house, so we’ll say it is 15 feet square, interior, a bit larger on the outside. That’s 69 tons of goods, each person who eats, shelters and sleeps there needs 4 tons, regardless of size of person; it is a question of moving around space, not size of bed. Each bed is roughly 7.44 tons, with airspace above the bed. A bunk-bed takes exactly the same amount of tonnage. We can calculate for smaller beds for gnomes easily.

The House

The DM: Do you care to sketch or decide who sleeps where in the house?

The DM: Do you require me to repeat the space the house provides and how much space a person in the house needs to live there? It’s on the wiki, but I’ll look for it if you need me to.

Vafrandir: I've no preference for sleeping arrangements. We've been sleeping in tents for the past week - not very picky. I'd appreciate the wiki link again if you don't mind.

Lexent: As the newcomer, I will happily take whatever space is available for me. Is that on the new wiki or the old?

Lexent: I suppose that means that we should also work on furnishing our new abode.

Marcule: once i sell some treasure I have some things in mind.

The DM: Look here.

Vafrandir: Thank you. I like the idea of the thinner beds to preserve space. For now, we have no beds at all, so the amount of space they take up is not an immediate concern.

Lexent: If we were to commission gnome sized beds that should free up some space as well. Is there a rule I could link to that details what is and is not adjusted for smaller characters?

The DM: I can’t see an absolute confirmation on the size of the house, so we’ll say it is 15 feet square, interior, a bit larger on the outside. That’s 69 tons of goods, each person who eats, shelters and sleeps there needs 4 tons, regardless of size of person; it is a question of moving around space, not size of bed. Each bed is roughly 7.44 tons, with airspace above the bed. A bunk-bed takes exactly the same amount of tonnage. We can calculate for smaller beds for gnomes easily.

The DM: A bed 2 ft. wide for a gnome is probably enough. Length? maybe 4 inches longer that you both are? And bunks so the gnomes can sleep atop each other? The 7.44 tons is for a bed 6x4. 2x4 would be one third that for a gnome bunkbed.

Lexent: That seems fine by my reckoning. Is that something we would need the furnituremaker in Stavanger to produce for us or would someone in Treborg be capable of that level of carpentry?

Vafrandir: Let's spring for bunks. Valda, Odds, and Nadia will also need a place to stay (when Odds isn't galavanting with us). Let me check the numbers quickly.

Marcule: sounds good to me

Vafrandir: 4 bunk beds against the back walls and 4 tons for 7 persons = 57.44 tons. That leaves 11.24 tons for raw storage. Getting tight quickly but we can certainly expand as we go. Have I got that right?

Lexent: Did you calculate one of those bunks at 1/3 Tonnage?

Vafrandir: Ah, thanks. That gives us 16.2 tons.

Lexent: That matches my maths.

The DM: Please begin to specify on your character sheets what’s being stored in the house. Oddsdrakken and Naomi will already have begun the work of moving those things from tent to house, but it would do to have them listed that way.

Lexent: That settled, shall we turn in early for a well deserved rest before (hopefully) heading to Stavanger in the morning?

Vafrandir: I'll take care of that on the Cargo sheet.

The DM: I took it that Pandred rode down in the cart, and that she therefore hasn’t done anything to heal her injury. Hm. Is it possible that I miscounted the hour of the 7th that you would have actually left? Let me look. It might actually be the 9th of July just now.

The DM: Oops, nope, I see she’s healed and that it is the 8th. My bad.

What's Next

Vafrandir: DM, what is the weight of the adamantium short sword?

The DM: 3.31 lbs. Down from iron 3.5.
Vafrandir: Thanks!

Marcule: I think I will keep the sword.

Vafrandir: We all have one (if we want to keep them, which I do).

Vafrandir: A reminder - I am not accounting for your personal effects on the Cargo sheet. If you want it stored in the house/tent/boat/cart, let me know.

Pandred: Consider my Trunk to be in the house. I haven't calculated the total weight for it at all, I'll start doing that.

Vafrandir: I have some stuff in it for a weight of 108 lb: Cargo.

Vafrandir: Accounted. Looks like we can fit everything. Marcule and Lexent, would you like a chest?

Lexent: I was hoping to procure a chest with proceeds from my adamantium and gems. Do you have a spare I could purchase?