
From The Juvenis Adventure
Revision as of 14:11, 15 February 2021 by Bennettj (talk | contribs)
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Alexis: So. I didn't get map made because I put it off to Sunday, which turned out to be Valentine's Day; Tamara and I don't celebrate it, but she decided to change that yesterday so she had plans for me, which were lovely. So today I'm utterly unprepared; and I have two new characters to introduce, if we can find a way to get them onto the wiki. They were sent invitations yesterday, but they need to remember to come here and not the blog, and I have no idea what they know about writing on a wiki. We'll see how much help they need.

I need to work out their backgrounds today, so first off I'll be doing that instead of making the dungeon. On the latter, I believe I'm going to put together a basic plan and then build it as we go. I'd rather not design a professional-looking map, as that will take time from my poster, which is the priority (sorry). But, I should get enough detail sketched out to let you make rational decisions about where your characters go. Today is going to be an accounting day, so if you have any questions about that, it's a good day to ask.

Vafrandir: Very good. Excited to meet them!

Alexis: Here's the first character's background: Lexent Povarov is a male gnomish cleric.


Alexis: Well, that's just great. The moment I get the player's character set up, he fucks off. Rhonwen will not be joining us in this campaign.

Lexent I am here.

Lexent: Is there a more natural way to post than just adding to the bottom of the page in edit mode and just adding the special formatting characters?

This is the best way. The only way a wiki works is special formatting. You get used to it. You can set up a signature. Vafrandir is better at explaining that than I am.
Lexent: No problem, just checking. I'll be working on my character page shortly.

Alexis: regarding your presence; you only need to write "In." when you're here and "Out." if you're not going to be checking the page every 20 minutes. You don't have to explain why you're out; I'll just make the game work around you being here and not. You can go to the "recent changes" on the side bar, and you'll see a button for tracking "Live updates". You can also mentally keep track of the number of changes on the recent changes page, for each wiki page, to recognize when something is new.

If you post, and get a conflict, go back TWICE, and you'll find your failed post at the bottom of the page. You can copy that, back out one more time and then paste your comment. This happens occasionally but it isn't too onerous. I suffer most from this, I think, because I type the most.

Alexis: Lexent, are you familiar with what's going on? Also, I have to send you a copy of the Stavanger market page, so you can buy equipment. Sorry, I forgot about that.

Pandred: I see on the image you posted that he's a Gnome Fighter, rather than Cleric. That'll affect at least his age, right?

Alexis: Good catch. Let me fix that.
Lexent, you'll see that I've changed the image. You're 49 now, and I have adjusted your ability stats away from being a youth to being middle aged; this adjusts your wisdom to 17. Thank you Pandred.

Lexent: Yes, I'm familiar with the current happenings in the campaign, although I'm curious as to how a gnome from Vepses has ended up in Stavanger, Trbeborg, or a goblin encampment just outside of that.