Skeleton Aftermath

From The Juvenis Adventure
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Continued from Door H

The DM: On account of Vafrandir’s last note:

Consider Lexent on the surface. You have enough time to search the skeleton barracks and get what you’ve already found to the surface, so presume you’re guarding Lexent and Marcule, who is suffering, in shifts.
Apart from your own sword, Vafrandir, there are four others. And three shields. There are two chests that can be open; they contain clay cups, clothes, three wooden pipes and bottles that contained ale but have been drained, probably drunk. These things are of minimal value. There are two tightly-stoppeded flasks, four hematite gems, two cairngorn and six agates; all of these are cherry-sized, except two of the agates that are plum-sized. There’s a dagger with a silver hilt. And there are fifteen pieces of metal, looking not like placer nuggets but like puddled metal from a forge. These are silver-blue in colour, much too heavy to be iron and certainly not shiny enough to be silver. They have the same gloss as the polished hematite, yet they seem as dense as lead. That’s what you find in the chests.

The DM: Out.

Lexent: In.