The Baron

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Continued from Visitor

The DM: on the 19th, a party appears from the east consisting of Alvin, Caleb (who apparently found his way there), the Thane of Odda and half a dozen attendents. Sven calls out their appearance and everyone goes to see them on their way. Hamish, who is cleaned up now and sober, shakes your hands as they approach and tells you each that he is greatly indebted to the service you’ve provided for him. That he won’t forget it, when his title is finally given.

It's a beautiful day, with a bare breeze blowing from the west, pleasant weather and a clear blue sky.

Lexent: "I am glad to have had the opportunity to assist in your recovery, and in getting to know you as person."

Pandred: I'll smile and nod.

The DM: The Thane comes forward to meet the party. He and Hamish grip arms, a certain amount of ceremony is expressed ... but since the patents have been viewed, the meeting is merely to convince the Thane that Hamish is a serious, able person. Lexent has made that possible, though of course Hamish has only 9 of his 14 charisma. He is a bit halting in his speech, but he is sound enough to convince the Thane that they should speak alone for a time. Caleb falls into a private conversation with Bergthora, Alvin recounts his experiences with Sven and the party find themselves ignored.

Pandred: I'll settle in, wait to hear from the Baron what this means for him in the immediate future.

The DM: The word will make itself slowly understood, that the ‘Baron’ in the title describes Baron Hamish Ross. The Thane suggests that he, Ross and his entourage make their way immediately to Voss, to confront the Count face-to-face at his summer residence there. Caleb speaks up to say that the way has been made safe and that no one need worry about bandits along the way.

Lexent: Ah. Misunderstood 'his entourage'.

Lexent: I begin collecting my things in order to set out with them.

Sven: (speaking to Lexent) “Thank you for all you have done, and for ensuring that we’ve been safe these past three weeks. I think its probably best if we part ways from here.”

Lexent: "You're welcome. Thank you for the protection and anonymity you provided. Give our regards to Espen Rosted as well."

The DM: the Thane will acknowledge you as well, though with hardly more than a nod and a bow. Hamish will embrace Lexent and shake the hands of the rest of the party. Caleb gives Vafrandir a rueful glance. Bergthora says goodbye to Pandred, saying that “I’m sure we’ll meet again.” Without waiting, they all head off, leaving the party behind.

What Now?

Lexent: "Well, shall we return to Bergen and try to find passage to Trondheim?"

Lexent: "Arduin, do you think we still have time in the season to make such a journey before the winter turns deadly?"

The DM: Arduin can say that it is never truly cold, as in Arctic, but it is miserably damp and sloppy, with enough snow to make tramping through the wilderness impractical.

Lexent: That is what I fear. At what point in the year does that occur?

Arvid: “Perhaps we should winter south, masters?”

The DM: the days have already begun to rapidly shorten; by late September, the nights are longer than the days and by late October the days in Bronnoykoy are very short indeed.

Pandred: I will growl in frustration. "There's no goblins south!" "Where was Dilhak going, maybe we can still chase the giant bear!"

Lexent: "Let us head back to Bergen we can decide our course from there."

Arvid: "Is that safe?"

Lexent: "What precisely is your concern?"

Lexent: (To Pandred) "Dilhak was planning to return south before winter set in."