At Home, Dividing Treasure

From The Juvenis Adventure
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Continued from Skeleton Aftermath

The DM: The players settle up after their first invasion of Grond's Lair.

Lexent: I didn't see a response on the previous page, but my intention had been to heal Marcule. Is that a possibility?

The DM: yes, but I suggest saving it until Marcule is present.
Lexent: I meant with the staff.

Pandred Lex getting the Staff and Marcule getting the Harness. I dole out 4 Adamantiums to everyone but me, who gets 3. I take two swords, everyone else gets 1. I take 3 small gems and both plum-sized gems, everyone else gets 3 small gems. I take the shields and give the dagger to Marcule because he can make use of it.

P=227 treasure XP before 10%, 249 after.
V=232 before, 255 after.
L=632 before, 695 after.
M = 1045, and I don't think they get 10%.
The DM: Correct.

Pandred: By my count that puts Lex at 1531, getting him second level.

The DM: Lexent, take another 1st level spell; your THAC0 doesn’t improve; add 1d8 hit points, reroll any 1s; adjust your sage abilities and let me know if anything reaches 10 points that hadn’t before.

Lexent: finally a good roll. I roll an 8.
Lexent: I gain amatuer ability in faith.

Lexent: I had been considering purify food & drink, but if we expect to be encountering more undead soon I might instead go with invisibility to undead. Any thoughts from the party?

Pandred: It's hard to argue with any kind of invisibility, however situational. Unfortunately I'm the voice of the entire rest of the party at the moment.

The DM: Lexent, think long-term. You don’t ever get to change your spell; you could use a little more combative ability; I suggest protection from malevolence, magic stone, or at least command. Those are going to be more universally useful later on, much more than invisibility, which is essentially investigatory and peaceful, not really combative.

The DM: Moreover, purify food & drink is rarely necessary in a land full of freshwater lakes, when you have no reason to fear poisoning enemies.

Lexent So far I have been wary of trying to rely on my casting in combat, but it is a good thing to consider.